Short Course Registration

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming

Thank you for signing up to my short course on Essential Scorpion Sting First Response. The contents represent an overview of my new scorpion sting first response framework. This is designed to give you an overview of a new approach to first response.

I'm on a mission to train as many people as I can in First Response. Your participation in this assessment will help towards my goal of training 50,000 people by the end of 2024. 

Enter your name and email address below, and you will get access to the assessment and answers. If you are using the assessment as an online course for your community group or organisations, please indicate the number of people who will be taking the assessment. This helps me keep track of my goal.


Set a date for assessment. Point the members of your group to the following URL and give them same time to go through the short course material. Download the print out 1 assessment per person and the answer sheet for you. 

On the day, give out the assessments and allow the participants 30 minutes (recommended) to complete the assessment. Mark the assessments and collate the marks. 

Download the Assessment & Answers

Enter your details and you'll get a link to download the Essential Scorpion Sting FIrst Response Short Course assessment and answers. 
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