Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Social Discussion

Le's keep the conversation going!


Thank you for participating in this week long glimpse into the world of essential scorpion sting first response. This content has been taken from my book Essential Scorpion Sting First Response. Each of the following sections, represent a summary of the week long social media discussion.

  • Monday - Introduction & Terminology
  • Tuesday - Our Relationship With Scorpions
  • Wednesday - Venom & Venomosity.
  • Thursday - Scorpion Stings. 
  • Friday - Where to get help.

Each day sparks a conversation. Each section contains links that will help you explore the day's topic and your relationship with the environment, just a bit little deeper.


Introduction & Terminology

are many good books on spiders available from your local bookshop or online store. For a more in-depth experience, join someone who is knowledgeable on spiders on a walk or course.


Our Relationship With Scorpions

are many good books on spiders available from your local bookshop or online store. For a more in-depth experience, join someone who is knowledgeable on spiders on a walk or course.


Venom & Venomosity

are many good books on spiders available from your local bookshop or online store. For a more in-depth experience, join someone who is knowledgeable on spiders on a walk or course.


Scorpion Stings

are many good books on spiders available from your local bookshop or online store. For a more in-depth experience, join someone who is knowledgeable on spiders on a walk or course.

Factors that influence symptoms severity include:

  • Scorpion related factors.
  • Situation related factors.
  • Patient related factors.
  • Response related factors.


Where To Get Help

are many good books on spiders available from your local bookshop or online store. For a more in-depth experience, join someone who is knowledgeable on spiders on a walk or course.

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