Free Stuff

Various downloads and educational material

Spider Nature Exporer Free Resources

Download these Spider Nature Explorer free resources and share! Spider posters and puzzles. Free free to downlaod and share!
Spider Nature Explorer

Scorpions of Southern Africa Free Resources

The 2003 edition of Scorpions of Southern Africa heralded a new era in scorpion conservation, understanding and appreciation. In 2019, I’m proud to announce my latest revision of Scorpions of Southern Africa which will continue to inspire and educate. Available at your local bookshop or online retailer.
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Free Posters

Feel free to download these posters and distribute as you wish! If you like these posters then you will love my One World posters which can be downloaded from
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Oppenheimer Generations Project Downloads

A collection of project documents from Oppenheimer Generations properties. 
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Medical Envenomation Resources

It can be very challenging to convey all of the information that is required to have an understanding of snake bite, spider bite, scorpion sting and centipede bites. The following documents are provided with permission from the various lead authors.
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Emergency Response Plan Template

The most essential part of our first aid kit! Simply download, print and follow the instructions.
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I'm on a mission to reduce the burden of spider bites and scorpion stings across Southern Africa!
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