Scorpion Info

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming

A collection of scorpion and scorpion sting first response related articles that will deepen your understanding of not only scorpions, but also the world. These articles may be republished on request. 

A Novel Science Based Approach To Scorpion Sting First Response

Scorpions are iconic and truly enigmatic creatures, more recognisable than any Hollywood movie star, yet the average person knows very little about them. Their reputation is steeped in mystery, misinformation and old wives tales, with mankind morbidly fixated upon just one aspect of their natural history; their venom.

Dangerous Scorpions

There is a common question that is often asked when someone discovers a scorpion “Is it dangerous?”. We can all appreciate that driving a car down a busy street at 200km per hour is dangerous... Someone is going to get injured or killed. Sitting in a parked car in a parking lot is not dangerous. It is not so much the car that introduces the element of danger, but rather how we interact with the car. This same principle applies to scorpions.

Factors That Influence Scorpion Sting Symptoms

It may be logical to think that all the symptoms of a sting are a direct result of the scorpion’s venomosity, but this is not the case. A sting from a highly venomous scorpion does not always result in class 3 or 4 symptoms, and a sting from a moderately venomous scorpion does not always […]

Found A Small Scorpion in Gauteng

There is a small reddish-brown scorpion that is often found in houses in Gauteng (and Bloemfontein, Kuruman, Bethulie, Swellendam, Stellenbosch and other major centres). This scorpion is called Pseudolychas ochraceus. During the warmer times of the year these scorpions become mobile in the environment and often enter houses where they end up trapped in bathtubs, sinks […]

Our Relationship With Scorpions

My work with venomous animals has taken me to faraway places, interacting with people from different languages, cultures, age groups, economic and education levels. However, despite these differences, there is a common perception shared across these dividing factors. It doesn’t matter if I am sitting under a tree in the Kalahari Desert chatting to the […]

Practical Scorpion Identification

Scorpion identification can be tricky as a result of highly technical identification keys requiring an intimate understanding of these animals. The subject of formal scorpion identification is beyond the scope of this book, however, there are practical ways to identify scorpions which are sufficient for effective first response. When looking at a scorpion, take note […]
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I'm on a mission to reduce the burden of spider bites and scorpion stings across Southern Africa!
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Order You Copy Of The Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Book

This book offers a new and innovative first response framework that is based upon the latest science, is easy to understand and put into practice. It will reduce the burden of scorpion stings across Southern Africa by answering two very important questions: 1) How can you reduce the chance of being stung by a scorpion. 2) If a sting does occur, how can you ensure the best possible outcome for stings in humans and animals.
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