Oppenheimer Research Conference 2024

Reducing The Burden of Scorpion Stings In Southern Africa: A Noval Approach

Poster Abstract

A new and innovative science based first response framework that addresses the burden of scorpion stings in Southern Africa across all levels of society. This framework reduces the chance of being stung by a scorpion, and ensures the best possible outcome for stings in humans and animals. Developed by Jonathan Leeming.

Oppenheimer Research Conference

Presented by Jonathan Leeming

Jonathan is Southern Africa’s leading authority on spider bite and scorpion sting first response. He is a best selling author, international speaker and award winning conservationist. He consults for poison information helplines, medical organisations and academic institutions, and speaks and is a panel member at medical conferences. His work has inspired a generation, and has shaped our current understanding of scorpions and scorpion stings across Southern Africa.

Order You Copy Of The Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Book

This book offers a new and innovative first response framework that is based upon the latest science, is easy to understand and put into practice. It will reduce the burden of scorpion stings across Southern Africa
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I'm on a mission to reduce the burden of spider bites and scorpion stings across Southern Africa!
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