Scorpion Sting First Response Assessment Results

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming

Congratulations on completing the Scorpion Sting First Response Short Course. I hope you enjoyed the content and that you have a new understanding of scorpions and scorpion sting first response. This understanding will help your family and community in the event of a scorpion sting.

Your assessment results have been sent to you!

Please check your inbox for your assessment results and a link to download your certificate. If your email is not in your inbox, then please check your Junkmail folder.

If you want to take your understanding of scorpions and scorpion stings to that next level, then consider purchasing my Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Book or join me for one of my public events. If you have your own group or want your own event, then consider contacting me to organise your own event on a date and time tat suits you.

I'm on a mission to create 100,000 interventions that help humanity understand spider bites and scorpion stings just a little bit better! You have helped toward my Mission100 goal through your participation in this short course. Please share a link to this course on your social media groups.

Lastly, if you have any comments, suggestions, request to speak or arrange an event, please email on and together we can change tomorrow today.

I'm on a mission to reduce the burden of spider bites and scorpion stings across Southern Africa!
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