Scorpion Sting First Response Certification

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming


For the first time, a qualification has defined an industry standard for scorpion first response. The content is a science based and includes a copy of the book, workbook, online assessment and certificate. This certification is THE gold standard for lodge staff, field guides, river guides, game rangers, conservation students and hunters. Designed to be taken in your own time and wherever you are in Southern Africa.

  • Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Book - study the contents of the book. 
  • Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Workbook - complete the workbook questions in your own time. This will help you understand scorpion sting first response. The final assessment questions are similar to the workbook questions however, they require a more thought and understanding. 
  • Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Short Course - take the short course to further your understanding of scorpions and scorpion stings. This course material is an overview of the book. It will help you see the bigger picture in the shortest period of time! Take the assessment as many times as you like. This is great preparation for the final assessment.
  • Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Online Assessment - take the full assessment. 40 questions, 20 minute time limit. The pass mark is 80%. You can take the assessment on your cellphone.  
  • Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Certificate - after taking the assessment, use the email link to download your certificate.

Total study time is about 18 hours. Study in your own time, at your own pace and anywhere, or with the assistance of a facilitator. The content applies to anywhere in Southern Africa.  

Self Study

Study on your own, in your own pace, and from where you are in the world. Idea for:

  • Extra credits for conservation qualifications. 
  • As a standard understanding for work. 

Study in your own time and at your own pace.

Facilitator Driven

If you are completing this certification for an organisation or in a group, then a facilitator can assist group through the process by setting deadlines and facilitating group study sessions and discussions.  Facilitator led certification is idea for:

  • Lodges.
  • Nature Conservation students.
  • Field guides.
  • Hunters organisations.
  • Home schools.
  • Conservation projects and extra credits.
  • Conservation workers.
  • Pubic safety organisations.
  • Venom production facility employees. 

Let the group study according to a group schedule. 

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