7) Scorpion Stings In Animals

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming


Scorpion envenomation in dogs and cats is more common than in humans. This is because when they locate a scorpion, they rarely move away to a safe distance. They often head for it and try to kill it which results in them being stung. Although this section focuses upon domestic cats and dogs, the associated principles and factors influencing symptom severity, apply to all mammalian animals (humans, domestic and wild). It has to be noted that scorpion stings in wild animals is not well studied because of the difficultly in collecting reliable data.

The important differences that influence the outcome of a sting are the following:

  • The ratio between injected venom and body size is usually greater than stings in humans, leading to faster onset and heightened symptoms.
  • Stings are often on the mouth or head which is a more sensitive part of the body.
  • The animal may try to kill the scorpion resulting in multiple stings, prompting the scorpion to inject as much venom as it can.
  • Scorpion venom in the eyes is more common because the animal’s face is nearer to the ground and the scorpion.
  • Some animals possess a natural resistance to scorpion venom, which results in decreased symptom severity.

Diagnosis is based upon signs of agitation and abnormal behaviour. It is only by interpreting the animal's behaviour that the severity of symptoms can be evaluated.

A major challenge in responding to a scorpion sting in cats and dogs is their inability to clearly communicate the level of symptoms that they are experiencing. As a consequence, class 1 and 2 symptoms often go unnoticed by the pet owner. Class 3 and 4 symptoms are often diagnosed late and require immediate response to save the animal’s life.

Early diagnosis of a scorpion sting in any animal, largely depends upon the identification of signs of agitation or abnormal behaviour.

Further details about this content can be found in the Scorpion Sting First Response Book  Book references:

  • Terminology - page 30.
  • Scorpion Stings In Cats & Dogs - page 108.
  • Factors Influencing Symptom Severity - page 121.

Purchase your copy of the book here.

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