Scorpion Stings in Cats And Dogs

Essential Scorpion Sting First Response by Jonathan Leeming

Scorpion envenomation in cats and dogs is more common than in humans, but at the same time, often goes undiagnosed. When cats or dogs locate a scorpion, they rarely move away to a safe distance. They often head for it and try to kill it which results in them being stung.

Although this section focuses upon domestic cats and dogs, the associated principles and factors influencing symptoms severity, apply to all mammalian animals (humans, domestic and wild). It has to be noted that scorpion stings in wild animals are not well studied because of the difficultly in collecting reliable data.

There are similarities between how the factors that influence symptoms severity relate to humans and animals. The important differences that influence the outcome of a sting are the following:

  • The ratio between injected venom and body size is usually greater than stings in humans, leading to faster onset and heightened symptoms.
  • Stings are often on the mouth or head which is a more sensitive part of the body.
  • The animal may try to kill the scorpion resulting in multiple stings and causing the scorpion to inject as much venom as it can.
  • Scorpion venom in the eyes is more common as their face is nearer to the ground and the scorpion.
  • Some animals possess a natural resistance to scorpion venom, which results in decreased symptom severity.
Scorpion Stings in Dogs

Diagnosis is based upon signs of agitation and abnormal behaviour. The following symptoms are an indication of a scorpion sting:

  • Limping, head shaking, pawing or licking of the sting site.
  • Chewing and smacking of lips.
  • Tense abdominal muscles.
  • Uncharacteristic aggression.
  • Vocalisation such as whimpering, whining, yelping and hissing.
  • Swollen face.
  • Salivation, coughing and difficulty swallowing.
  • Vomiting.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Fits, involuntary shaking and restlessness. 
  • General weakness or partial paralysis.

Only 2 species of scorpion are known to be capable of spraying venom. With an animals head being close to the ground, the animals eyes are an easy target for scorpions that can spray venom. The quicker venom is washed out of the eyes with clean water (for 10 to 15 minutes), the better. Once venom is washed out of the animals eyes, full recovery may take 3 or more days. 

Although it is illegal to give a human expired antivenom, it is acceptable to administer expired antivenom to an animal. Tests have demonstrated that SAVP antivenom is still highly effective past its expiry date.

It is only by interpreting an animals behaviour that the severity of symptoms can be evaluated.

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This book offers a new and innovative first response framework that is based upon the latest science, is easy to understand and put into practice. It will reduce the burden of scorpion stings across Southern Africa by answering two very important questions: 1) How can you reduce the chance of being stung by a scorpion. 2) If a sting does occur, how can you ensure the best possible outcome for stings in humans and animals.
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