Right here and right now, it has never been a more important time in human history where we need to understand the world. Not just an understanding so that we can name individual things, but an understanding of the ebb and flow of nature, how everything is connected, and how nature works.
The environment operates as an infinite number of units and system, all working in harmony to create the world we live in. It’s a complex interconnection of relationships that we are not only part of, but also support the very systems that give us life. Our reliance on these systems is the very reason why it is so important to understand how nature works.
The Nature Works Walk is a 2 hour walk that focuses upon the inner workings of the natural world. I’ll be using practical examples that illustrate how nature works through concepts such as biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate change, natural intelligence, bio prospecting, how the environment is interconnected, the relationship that we as humans have with the environment. All in a way that is easy to understand for adults and children alike.
If you have ever wondered how soil is formed, how weather works, what are the effects of climate change, how venomous animals are giving us the technology to keep us alive.
Step into my world and join one of my public events. If you have your own group, or would like to arrange an event or presentation for your organisation, then email info@JonathanLeeming.com and include your event ideas, date, venue and contact details.