
Presentations that educate as well as entertain by Jonathan Leeming

Spiders of Southern Africa

Spiders are everywhere, so common that there is an urban story that states we are never more than 2m away from the nearest spider! However, although spiders are familiar to us all, our perceptions of them are based in fear and dread. Behind out misperceptions of these animals is a world of fascination and wonderment. They produce silk, spin the most intricate webs, live fast and action packed lives and possess superpowers well beyond our own capabilities. 
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Scorpions of Southern Africa

Although scorpions are common in Southern Africa, the average person knows little about them except that they have venom. As author of Scorpions of Southern Africa, Jonathan will take the audience through the life of these misunderstood creatures, lifting the veil of venomosity and uncovering a world of of fascination, intrigue and wonder. 
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Essential Venomous Animal Awareness

This presentation focuses upon snakes, spiders and scorpions. It can be offered in various formats from a formal sit down presentation at a venue, or as a 20 minutes chat under a tree, or some where inbetween. The end result is the same, a deeper understanding of this animals as well as our roles and responsibilities.
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Essential Spider Bite First Response

This Essential Spider Bite First Response presentation provides a structured framework that will greatly reduce the risk of being bitten by a spider, and provide the best possible outcome, should a spider bite occur in both humans and pets. This framework of understanding can be applied anytime and anywhere, does not require any special equipment. Essential life skills for everyone who may encounter a spider at home, at work or in the environment.
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Essential Scorpion Sting First Response

This 45 minute presentation that focuses upon the key points of effective scorpion sting first response. Suitable for all ages, this presentation is supported by the Essential Scorpion sting First response Book and Free Short Course.
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Essential Scorpion Sting First Response Presentation
  • Bite Me!

    How spiders can help us overcome the challenges of our time

    Bite Me! leverages our perceptions of spiders and their bites to demonstrate how our values and beliefs can be detached from reality. It’s a powerful analogy that connects to the audience deep down inside. It’s unique, a little bit strange, funny, has some epic poignant moments that teach us an important lesson about our values and beliefs towards the world.

    Bite Me!
  • Deadly Innovation

    The secret to solving the challenges of our time

    Deadly Innovation explores how innovation to solve the challenges of our time, will come from the most unlikely of sources. Why clutching on to outdated values and beliefs is holding us back, and how being open to solutions, is going to help us create the future that we so desperately desire,

    Deadly Innovation
  • The Creepy That Crawl

    The story of venomous creepy crawlies in your garden and home

    The Creepy That Crawl focuses upon our relationship with those undesirable venomous animals that inhabit our garden and home. It offers a unique analogy of the 4 principles of One World Sustainability onto our perceptions of venomous animals. 

    The Creepy That Crawl
    The Creepy That Crawl Presentation
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